Another Grand day out
13th June 2017
When I attended the meeting of Grand Lodge in March and heard the announcements f the forthcoming changes in the leadership of the degree I knew that the June meeting was going to busy and very well attended.
I started off from home at 8am getting to the train station in plenty of time to get the early train to London arriving at Euston by 10.40pm.  I arrived at Great Queen Street and put my bag in the cloakroom and went to meet the others from West Lancashire. The meeting started on time at 1pm and the business grand lodge commenced in the normal efficient manor, with three investitures and some 400 acting officers first appointments and promotions taking up most of the allotted time, with our own James Anthony Harrison PGM in the craft and a past leader in the Mark getting the acting rank of Grand Junior Warden. The Whole of the rest of the world seemed to be represented with attendees from Hong Kong and South Africa to mention but two being represented.
The main temple was full with no visible empty seats and there were also two overflow temples with very good large television screens and audio replaying the proceedings.
After the meeting we met up in the Balmoral bar, enjoyed a complementary glass of wine and some pre-dinner drinks. I noticed some of the David Baileys of the fraternity that attended taking pictures and hopefully one or two “group” pictures along with some of the others will be included in this article.
Dinner was set for 5pm with nearly 1000 people sitting down in the three rooms set aside. West Lancs had the usual large contingent of members attending which was estimated at nearly 100 and some 80 having opted for the dinner. The wine flowed freely and the company adding to the whole experience. It all concluded at approximately 6.30pm giving us all time to repair either to the station for the return trip home or one of the local hostelries.
All in all it was another superb grand day out in the capital with so many friends and colleagues of this degree, and I recommend that all of you attend at some time to experience the grandeur and setting of Great Queen Street.
Words by David Richards
David is correct about out many 'David Baileys' and the webmaster is gratefull to:
Tony Cross, Tony Shaw and for the photographs below.